mortgage terms

Mortgage and Loan Terms

Chris Gallant Uncategorized

The mortgage world is complicated. Fortunately, that’s why I’m here. Before we start working together, get familiar with the language. Here is a full list of terms and their definitions mortgage brokers use. Looking forward to speaking the same language. Mortgage Terms Amortization Period The Amortization period represents the period …

5 Steps to Commercial Mortgage Approval

5 Steps to Commercial Mortgage Approval

Chris Gallant Uncategorized

A commercial mortgage approval ultimately means showing that you have enough collateral to support repayment. Collateral is a borrower’s promise with property, to secure repayment of a loan. Your business, not yourself, assumes the mortgage and it can be a complex process. A business may seek out a commercial mortgage …

credit rating

Your Credit Rating: 5 Factors that Negatively Impact It

Chris Gallant Uncategorized

Lenders look for things that negatively impact your credit rating.  They determine your credit risk based on your credit score as it’s the easiest way for them to determine your ability to pay back credit cards or loans. The 2 national credit bureaus used by consumers to determine their own …

customized residential mortgage solutions

3 Stages of Obtaining a Residential Mortgage

Chris Gallant Uncategorized

The process of obtaining a residential mortgage is best done with the help of a mortgage broker. An expert simplifies a rather complicated process. The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation report a more than a 20% increase in the total value of mortgage originations compared to the same period in 2019. …

Social Distancing is Wrong…

Chris Gallant Uncategorized

Let me explain before I get too many negative comments! Currently, the term “social distancing” is everywhere. We are told from every direction, that we need to socially distance from one another. This term has always rankled me because it goes against everything that makes us human. Humans are born …

Calculating EBITDA

Calculating EBITDA

Chris Gallant Uncategorized

When Calculating EBITDA, you get the most comprehensive snapshot of a company’s financials. EBITDA is a valuable and comprehensive accounting technique used to determine whether a company is worth investing in. Unlike standard net income calculations that use a simple formula of revenue minus expenses, EBITDA factors in other expenses, …